Listing of blog posts

  1. Why the world needs another blog Ana Caicedo and Michele Cooke, 28 August 2018
  2. How do you introduce your deafness to your class? Michele Cooke, 11 September 2018
  3. What’s in a Name Ana Caicedo, 26 September 2018
  4. The more I missed, the more I made Ryan Seslow, 18 October 2018
  5. Making an impact at high-stakes conferences Michele Cooke,7 November 2018
  6. Teaching (very) large classes Ana Caicedo, 20 November 2018
  7. Deaf Gain -> diverse and stronger research Michele Cooke, 4 December 2018
  8. New Year’s Resolution: Make your Workplace Accessible, 2 January 2019
  9. How to work with ASL-English interpreters and Deaf academics in academic settings Linda Campbell and Ashley Campbell, 22 February 2019
  10. Understanding unfamiliar accents Ana Caicedo, 19 March 2019
  11. Using FM systems at conferences Michele Cooke, 9 April 2019
  12. Captions and craptions for academics Michele Cooke, 1 May 2019
  13. Traveling and conferences: When bacteria has a party Circe Verba, 22 May 2019
  14. Applying for jobs – When should you reveal your deafness? Ana Caicedo, 27 June 2019
  15. Under-represented: Where are all the deaf and hard of hearing academics? Michele Cooke, 16 July 2019
  16. Who am I at a Research Conference: the Deaf Person or the Scientist? Carrie Solomon, 12 August 2019

  17. Mandated equal opportunity hiring may not ensure equal considerations by hiring committees: A hypothetical scenario Ryan Seslow 10 September 2019
  18. The sound we can see: working with hearing loss in the field Michele Micarelli Struett, 2 October 2019
  19. Profile: Dr. Oliver Lamb, 22 October 2019
  20. When to tell? Applying for jobs when you are deaf or hard of hearing, Ana Caicedo, 14 November 2019
  21. I owe my career to the invention of email, Michele Cooke, 5 December 2019
  22. New Year’s resolution 2020: Make your workplace acccessible, 2 January 2020
  23. Profile: Dr. Stephanie Kerschbaum, 22 January 2020
  24. How much listening is too much?, Michele Cooke, 11 February 2020
  25. Profile: Alex Lu, 4 March 2020
  26. Sudden remote Teaching – Deaf/HoH, Ryan Seslow, 22 April 2020
  27. The Best Laid Plans: A remote teaching journey, Rachel Obbard, 12 May 2020
  28. The Mind Hears affirms that Black Lives Matter, Michele Cooke and Ana Caicedo, 9 June 2020
  29. “Moving Together”: Or Researching Health Care Access as a Disabled Academic, Arrianna Planey 25 June 2020.
  30. Profile: Dr. Paige Glotzer, 14 July 2020
  31. Navigating a masked world when you are deaf/HoH, Ana Caicedo 6 August 2020
  32. To Hear, or Not to Hear? The Mental Gymnastics of Hearing Device Use, Sarah Sparks 26 August 2020
  33. Profile: Dr. Jaipreet Virdi, 16 September 2020
  34. Accommodating a Pandemic, Michele Cooke, 9 October 2020
  35. Profile: Dr. Khadijat Rashid, 30 October 2020
  36. Surviving faculty meetings (or not…) when deaf/hard of hearing, Ana Caicedo, 19 November 2020
  37. What is the impact of The Mind Hears blog?, Michele Cooke, 9 December 2020
  38. How to make your in-person and remote workplace more accessible for deaf and hard of hearing colleagues, 4 January 2021
  39. Profile: Dr. Maartje De Meulder, 25 January 2021
  40. Cochlear implants are not my thing… yet, Henry Adler, 17 February 2021
  41. Eloquence is overrated… and exhausting, Sara Heaser, Sara Halpern and Alma C. Schrage, 11 March 2021
  42. Profile: Dr. Hilde Haualand, 31 March 2021
  43. Profile: Dr. Stephanie W. Cawthon, 15 April 2021
  44. 6 ways to dismantle barriers for disabled faculty, Stephanie Cawthon, 12 May 2021
  45. Hearing and understanding are not the same, Sarah Sparks, 2 June 2021
  46. Three reasons why I chose industry research over academia, Alex Lu, 1 July 2021
  47. Profile: Dr. John Dennehy, 21 July 2021
  48. The Sounds of Silence, Stephen Klusza, 11 August 2021
  49. And I knew the Silence of the World, Stephen Klusza, 25 August 2011
  50. Why mutual support matters: Surviving as deaf/HoH graduate students at a predominantly hearing institution, Breanne Kisselstein and Anne Logan, 29 September 2021
  51. Passing the rattlesnake test, Michele Cooke, 20 October 2021
  52. Profile: Dr. Krista Kennedy, 10 November 2021
  53. Lessons from the Pandemic: work innovations that we are keeping, Ana Caicedo and Michele Cooke, 2 December 2021
  54. New Year’s Resolution 2022: Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues, Michele Cooke and Ana Caicedo, 3 January 2022

  55. Dear Students: Listen Up. Like, for Real: A love letter from you HoH Professor, Sara Heaser, 26 January 2022
  56. Profile: Elli Harpum, 15 February 2022
  57. The Eight Faces – A deaf artists perspective on masks, 10 March 2022
  58. Profile: Dr. Anna Danielsson, 30 March 2022
  59. Presentando The Mind Hears [La Mente Oye] a académicos de habla hispana, 21 April 2022, Ana Caicedo
  60. Writing reference letters for disabled mentees, 18 May, 2022, Michele Cooke
  61. Science in ASL is a whole new language: Interpreters in STEM, 15 July 2022, Megan Majocha
  62. Harnessing social media to advocate for accommodations, 7 September 2022, Paige Glotzer and Michele Cooke
  63. The Mind Hears Mission Statement – Welcoming Chinese Speakers, 22 September 2022, Jenny Kung, Heather Fair, and Minru Li
  64. Profile: Amelia Dall, 27 October 2022
  65. Profile: Stephanie Flude, 7 December 2022
  66. New Year’s Resolution 2023: Improve accessibility of your workplace for your deaf/HoH colleagues, 4 January 2023

  67. Profile: Nora Duggan, 1 February 2023

  68. The art of accommodations in the workplace for hard-of-hearing employees, 6 March 2023
  69. Bridging communication between the hearing and deaf worlds: a conversation with the founders of Ava,  5 April 2023
  70. Invitation to our 2nd The Mind Hears online community meet-up. 18 April 2023
  71. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: When communication all changed, 8 June 2023 John Dennehy (originally for e-life)

academics accents accessible workplace cochlear implant deaf deaf/hoh academics deaf academic deaf academics deaf and hard of hearing deaf and hard of hearing academics deaf communication deaf faculty deaf graduate students deafness deaf profiles deaf studies disability advocacy graduate school hard of hearing hard of hearing academic hard of hearing academics hard of hearing faculty hard of hearing labels hard of hearing professor health geography hearing aids hearing loss hearing loss in graduate school HoH masks inaccessible conferences Inclusive academia international deafness interpreters in STEM intersectionality job search in academia leaky pipeline listening fatigue managing perceptions masks and deafness missing out mutual mentoring mutual mentoring networks self advocacy sign language universal design