deaf and hard of hearing

deaf/HoH experiencesteaching

The best place for my hearing aids is on my desk

Instead of expecting me to strive to be a hearing professor, why not expect that each of us makes the classroom less disabling...

careersfor hearing alliesgrad school

Writing reference letters for disabled mentees

When explaining why you want to mention their disability in your letter, share with your mentee specific character traits that you notice them...

deaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing allies

Hearing and understanding are not the same

Hearing that sound is happening is not the same as processing sound. 

deaf/HoH experiences

What is the impact of mutual mentoring networks such as The Mind Hears?

Decreasing representation of disabled academics through the academic ranks correlates with decreasing levels of support for accommodations.

Young woman with brown skin and long black hair smiles. She has dark brown eyes and wears a black shirt and jacket. The background is blurred.

Profile: Dr. Jaipreet Virdi

I try to hold my own work at the accessibility standards I want to see for everyone.