deaf/HoH experiences

careersfor hearing allies

6 Ways to Dismantle Barriers for Disabled Faculty on Campus

This is a repost from Dr. Stephanie Cawthon’s blog, where she explores topics such as educational access, equity, attainment and deafness. ‘6 Ways...

white woman with dark shoulder length hair
careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesgrad school

Eloquence is Overrated…and Exhausting

–Hi there. I’m Sara, and I’m almost deaf.  As folks with hearing loss, we have been trained to speak clearly so that we...

Smiling white man sits at a table with a model of the human ear in front of him. He wears black sweater and behind him are shuttered windows. The text on the right reads " Cochlear implants are not my thing... yet" On the left "the Eagle Ear Blog' is written below The Mind Hears logo.
deaf/HoH experiences

Cochlear implants are not my thing… yet

Now, only after I had kept (and still keep) hearing from my peers with hearing loss who now wear cochlear implants and are...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesmeetingsteaching

Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues

The Mind Hears annual post on how to make your in-person and remote academic workplace accessible to deaf/HoH colleagues.

deaf/HoH experiences

What is the impact of mutual mentoring networks such as The Mind Hears?

Decreasing representation of disabled academics through the academic ranks correlates with decreasing levels of support for accommodations.

deaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

Accommodating a Pandemic

Can we apply innovations in accommodating this pandemic to help us build a more inclusive long-term post pandemic academic workplace? I hope so.

deaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

To Hear, or Not to Hear? The Mental Gymnastics of Hearing Device Use

I had planned to write this post about listening fatigue, but as I began writing I realized that a related yet rarely discussed...

stick figures with masks have trouble understanding each other
careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing allies

Navigating a masked world when you are deaf/HoH

While the pandemic rages around the world, I know I have been incredibly lucky. Like many, I have struggled to keep my kids...

deaf/HoH experiences

How much listening is too much?

As academics, our jobs require us to listen to others all the time—in our classes, in faculty meetings, in seminars, and when meeting...

careersdeaf/HoH experiences

I owe my career to the invention of email

Academics even a few years my senior had to rely on telephones for networking.