
deaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

Accommodating a Pandemic

Can we apply innovations in accommodating this pandemic to help us build a more inclusive long-term post pandemic academic workplace? I hope so.

deaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

To Hear, or Not to Hear? The Mental Gymnastics of Hearing Device Use

I had planned to write this post about listening fatigue, but as I began writing I realized that a related yet rarely discussed...


Who am I at a Research Conference: the Deaf Person or the Scientist?

At academic conferences, I am a scientist first, and deaf person second.


Traveling and Conferences: When Bacteria Has a Party

In my first post for The Mind Hears, I want to tell you a little about my background, then outline some strategies that...

conferencesdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesmeetings

Captions and Craptions for Academics

We encourage all presenters to use real-time auto caption for every presentation. However, if a deaf/HoH person requests CART, real-time auto caption, even...


Using FM Systems at Conferences

-Michele You’re wearing your hearing aids, sitting at a conference presentation, feeling confident that you’re understanding what’s going on, when it happens. The...


Making an impact at high-stakes conferences

At high-stakes conferences deaf/HoH can make an impact through small or one-on-one thoughtful discussions.