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careersgrad school

1 out of 4 people on a hiring committee think I can’t do my job

— Michele “On your faculty job application, don’t say that you have hearing loss ‘cause, you know… you function just fine.”  Enmeshed...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesmeetingsteaching

New Year’s Resolution 2024: Improve accessibility of your workplace for your deaf/HoH colleagues

Chances are that someone in your department has hearing loss, whether they’ve disclosed this or not, and will benefit from your efforts to...

careersgrad school

Three reasons why I chose industry research over academia

-Alex Lu After a long five years, my stint as a PhD student was finally reaching its end – and that meant I...


Profile: Dr. Hilde Haualand

Background? I am a deaf multilingual in several signed and written languages (and selectively and contextually, sometimes also spoken languages), who grew up...

stick figures with masks have trouble understanding each other
careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing allies

Navigating a masked world when you are deaf/HoH

While the pandemic rages around the world, I know I have been incredibly lucky. Like many, I have struggled to keep my kids...


Profile: Alex Lu

PhD Student, University of Toronto, Canada Field of expertise: Computational Biology Years of experience (since start of PhD): 5 years  Describe your hearing: Profoundly deaf; I’m...

deaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesteaching

How to work with ASL-English interpreters and Deaf academics in academic settings

Just like their non-Deaf colleagues, Deaf academics teach students, discuss and present their research, attend various professional meetings, and give media interviews. Communicating...


New Year’s Resolution 2022: Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues

The new year brings a fresh start to our lives; it’s a natural time to reflect on the year past and make plans...


Traveling and Conferences: When Bacteria Has a Party

In my first post for The Mind Hears, I want to tell you a little about my background, then outline some strategies that...