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careersdeaf/HoH experiencesmeetingsteaching

The Mind Hears Mission Statement – Welcoming Chinese speakers

Translated by ~Jenny Kung, Heather Fair, and Minru Li With help from Xiang Li, Anran Cheng, and Xiaoxu Ma The goal for The...

AI image of a microphone in the foreground with blurry audience in the background.
deaf/HoH experiences

Can everybody hear me? Experiences as an hearing impaired faculty member

"People do not recognize the struggles involved on a daily basis for those of us with hearing loss, and the extent to which...

stick figures with masks have trouble understanding each other
careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing allies

Navigating a masked world when you are deaf/HoH

While the pandemic rages around the world, I know I have been incredibly lucky. Like many, I have struggled to keep my kids...

pictures of spices is jars with labels in several languages
deaf/HoH experiences

What’s In a Name?

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. ― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare’s...

White woman with bandana around her hair leans near the ground just behind a stack of rocks and sea glass. She wears glasses and outdoor gear.

Profile: Dr. Stephanie Flude

"I think becoming more and more deaf has increased my ability to advocate for myself, mostly out of necessity. And that seems to...

deaf/HoH experiencesgrad school

The sound we can see: working with hearing loss in the field

When I was 19 I went for a checkup with an audiologist and found out that I was hearing only 90% of what...


The Mind Hears affirms that Black Lives Matter

-Michele Cooke and Ana Caicedo The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others stem from historic and continued...

Lyrics from Vomit Arsonist "no one can help you" sound with image of barbed wire in the background. "no one its a lonely journey where suffering in silence is the standard suffering alone suffering all I ever want is someone to ask if I'm ok but no one ever does
deaf/HoH experiences

The Sounds of Silence

Stephen Klusza takes us on an enchanting multimedia journey leading up to his decision to get an cochlear implant in grad school.

Young woman with brown skin and long black hair smiles. She has dark brown eyes and wears a black shirt and jacket. The background is blurred.

Profile: Dr. Jaipreet Virdi

I try to hold my own work at the accessibility standards I want to see for everyone.