hard of hearing academics

deaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesteaching

Dear Students: Listen Up. Like, for Real. 

Is there anything as vulnerable as a deaf person standing in front of an expectant audience?


New Year’s Resolution 2022: Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues

The new year brings a fresh start to our lives; it’s a natural time to reflect on the year past and make plans...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesmeetingsteaching

Lessons from the pandemic: work innovations that we are keeping

The last year required a myriad of adjustments in our professional lives. For those of us in academia, much of it entailed moving...

deaf/HoH experiencesgrad school

And I knew the silence of the world

"I am holding on with both hands and never letting go."

white woman with dark shoulder length hair
careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesgrad school

Eloquence is Overrated…and Exhausting

–Hi there. I’m Sara, and I’m almost deaf.  As folks with hearing loss, we have been trained to speak clearly so that we...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesmeetingsteaching

Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues

The Mind Hears annual post on how to make your in-person and remote academic workplace accessible to deaf/HoH colleagues.

pale skinned women with brown ombre to higher hair, glasses and professional attire smiles

Profile: Dr. Paige Glotzer

I finally realized: if I wanted to be a historian, I was going to have to do not just the work my peers...

careersgrad school

When to tell? Applying for jobs when you are deaf or hard of hearing

-Ana Going on the job market was a fraught decision for me. As a postdoc considering tenure-track faculty positions, I relied on hearing...

deaf/HoH experiences

Understanding unfamiliar accents

I wrote this post on an airplane coming back from an international conference I attended in Thailand. Because of the distance involved, participation...

careersdeaf/HoH experiences

Why the world needs another blog

By sharing various ways that we approach different challenges, we hope to build a community toolbox of solutions.