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careersdeaf/HoH experiencesgrad school

Why mutual support matters: surviving as Deaf/HoH graduate students at a predominantly hearing institution

The Mind Hears was excited to learn that Anne and Breanne are two deaf graduate students in the same School of Integrative Plant...

Smiling white man sits at a table with a model of the human ear in front of him. He wears black sweater and behind him are shuttered windows. The text on the right reads " Cochlear implants are not my thing... yet" On the left "the Eagle Ear Blog' is written below The Mind Hears logo.
deaf/HoH experiences

Cochlear implants are not my thing… yet

Now, only after I had kept (and still keep) hearing from my peers with hearing loss who now wear cochlear implants and are...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesmeetingsteaching

Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues

The Mind Hears annual post on how to make your in-person and remote academic workplace accessible to deaf/HoH colleagues.

deaf/HoH experiences

What is the impact of mutual mentoring networks such as The Mind Hears?

Decreasing representation of disabled academics through the academic ranks correlates with decreasing levels of support for accommodations.


Conquering faculty meetings (or not…) when deaf/hard of hearing

-Ana Making it as a deaf/hard of hearing (HoH) academic can often feel like a game of whack-a-mole. Between research activities, teaching duties,...

deaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

Accommodating a Pandemic

Can we apply innovations in accommodating this pandemic to help us build a more inclusive long-term post pandemic academic workplace? I hope so.

A brown-skinned woman wearing a blue patterned dress, a gray headwrap, and hearing aids sits on a bench looking to the right. To her right, a white cane stands upright.
careersgrad school

“Moving Together”: Or Researching Health Care Access as a Disabled Academic

If my credibility as a researcher is in question, I’d rather people not focus on my social status, because the “ideal” academic researcher...


The Mind Hears affirms that Black Lives Matter

-Michele Cooke and Ana Caicedo The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others stem from historic and continued...


The Best Laid Plans: A remote teaching journey

This is a repost of The best laid plans from Dr. Rachel Obbard’s blog Pandemic Pedagogy. The post is the first in a series that chronicle...


New Year’s resolution 2020: Make Your Workplace Accessible

our hearing colleagues can help us tremendously by sharing the work and not expecting us to bear all of the burden of creating...