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Traveling and Conferences: When Bacteria Has a Party

In my first post for The Mind Hears, I want to tell you a little about my background, then outline some strategies...

careersfor hearing alliesgrad school

Writing reference letters for disabled mentees

When explaining why you want to mention their disability in your letter, share with your mentee specific character traits that you notice...


Profile: Dr. Stephanie Kerschbaum

Associate Professor of English, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA Field of expertise: Writing Studies Describe your hearing: I wear two behind-the-ear...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesmeetingsteaching

Presentando The Mind Hears [La Mente Oye] a académicos de habla hispana

-translated by Ana Our goal for The Mind Hears is to have it serve as a global resource for deaf and HoH (hard of...

stick figures with masks have trouble understanding each other
careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing allies

Navigating a masked world when you are deaf/HoH

While the pandemic rages around the world, I know I have been incredibly lucky. Like many, I have struggled to keep my...