Archive 4 Columns

Phasellus tellus tellus, imperdiet ut imperdiet eu, iaculis a sem Donec vehicula luctus nunc in laoreet

Sketch of an alert rattlesnake with forked tongue and active rattle. The text says Passing the Rattlesnake Test
deaf/HoH experiences

Passing the rattlesnake test

The combination of my slight deaf accent, excellent bluffing skills, and the privilege of being able to follow well-lit conversations with low background...

An infographic style image of a woman walking on a white path on a yellow background. Stars from the US flag are visible behind the background. Icons of a government building and the statue of liberty with a hearing aid are superimposed on the image.
careersgrad school

Are you deaf/hard of hearing and want to become a U.S. Federal Employee? The Persons with Disability Hiring Path

"I am proud and honored to serve my nation as a civil servant and I am equally proud that our government strives to...

deaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesteaching

Dear Students: Listen Up. Like, for Real. 

Is there anything as vulnerable as a deaf person standing in front of an expectant audience?

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesmeetingsteaching

Lessons from the pandemic: work innovations that we are keeping

The last year required a myriad of adjustments in our professional lives. For those of us in academia, much of it entailed moving...

careersdeaf/HoH experiences

Why the world needs another blog

By sharing various ways that we approach different challenges, we hope to build a community toolbox of solutions.

Young woman with brown skin and long black hair smiles. She has dark brown eyes and wears a black shirt and jacket. The background is blurred.

Profile: Dr. Jaipreet Virdi

I try to hold my own work at the accessibility standards I want to see for everyone.


Profile: Dr. Hilde Haualand

Background? I am a deaf multilingual in several signed and written languages (and selectively and contextually, sometimes also spoken languages), who grew up...

deaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

Bridging communication between the hearing and deaf worlds: a conversation with the founders of Ava

Our mission is to make Deaf and hard-of-hearing peoples’ lives easier and happier in any situation, including academia—that’s why Ava was created. 

AI image of a microphone in the foreground with blurry audience in the background.
deaf/HoH experiences

Can everybody hear me? Experiences as an hearing impaired faculty member

"People do not recognize the struggles involved on a daily basis for those of us with hearing loss, and the extent to which...

careersgrad school

Science in ASL is a whole different language: Interpreters in STEM

— Megan Majocha Deaf and hard of hearing scientists often face a lack of communication access, which is troubling because they have made...

deaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesteaching

How to work with ASL-English interpreters and Deaf academics in academic settings

Just like their non-Deaf colleagues, Deaf academics teach students, discuss and present their research, attend various professional meetings, and give media interviews. Communicating...


Who am I at a Research Conference: the Deaf Person or the Scientist?

At academic conferences, I am a scientist first, and deaf person second.