Archive 2 Columns
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Navigating a masked world when you are deaf/HoH
While the pandemic rages around the world, I know I have been incredibly lucky. Like many, I have struggled to keep my kids...
ByAna CaicedoAugust 6, 2020How much listening is too much?
As academics, our jobs require us to listen to others all the time—in our classes, in faculty meetings, in seminars, and when meeting...
ByMichele CookeFebruary 11, 2020Dear Students: Listen Up. Like, for Real.
Is there anything as vulnerable as a deaf person standing in front of an expectant audience?
BySara HeaserJanuary 26, 2022Profile: Dr. Heather Fair
Without hearing diversity, we are missing the tremendous collective power of different human experiences, ideas, and creative thought which is shaped by information...
ByAcademics' ProfilesAugust 12, 2022Profile: Dr. Paige Glotzer
I finally realized: if I wanted to be a historian, I was going to have to do not just the work my peers...
ByPaige GlotzerJuly 14, 2020Presentando The Mind Hears [La Mente Oye] a académicos de habla hispana
-translated by Ana Our goal for The Mind Hears is to have it serve as a global resource for deaf and HoH (hard of hearing)...
ByAna CaicedoApril 21, 2022Harnessing social media to advocate for accommodations
While just the mention of ‘social media’ can elicit eye rolls from our senior colleagues, many of us deaf and hard of hearing...
ByPaige Glotzer, Michele CookeSeptember 7, 2022Profile: Nora Duggan
Build up a network of deaf students where you can share tips, or even just rant about barriers you're facing.
ByAcademics' ProfilesFebruary 1, 2023I owe my career to the invention of email
Academics even a few years my senior had to rely on telephones for networking.
ByMichele CookeDecember 5, 2019