Archive 2 Columns

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deaf/HoH experiences

How much listening is too much?

As academics, our jobs require us to listen to others all the time—in our classes, in faculty meetings, in seminars, and when meeting...


Who am I at a Research Conference: the Deaf Person or the Scientist?

At academic conferences, I am a scientist first, and deaf person second.

dark skinned woman with bright head scarf and hearing aids looks tot he right at the title of her blog post

Art of Accommodations in the Workplace for Hard-of-Hearing Employees

Although the employee must be able to request appropriate accommodations needed to perform well on the job, the success of disabled employees also...


Teaching (very) large classes

This semester I am teaching a large lecture course with about 175 students. I have taught this course 6 times before, with enrollment...

A young girl carrying a pink and white backpack with a stuffed animal sticking out walks into a very green forest
careersdeaf/HoH experiences

My academic path from self-reliance to self-advocacy to peer-support 

Self-reliance seems more of a recipe for isolation and alienation than for increasing the presence of disability in academia

careersgrad school

1 out of 4 people on a hiring committee think I can’t do my job

— Michele “On your faculty job application, don’t say that you have hearing loss ‘cause, you know… you function just fine.”  Enmeshed within...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesmeetingsteaching

Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues

The Mind Hears annual post on how to make your in-person and remote academic workplace accessible to deaf/HoH colleagues.


New Year’s Resolution: Make Your Workplace Accessible

Reaching the goal of achieving an academic workplace accessible to deaf/HoH academics is a journey; we’ve assembled this list to capture just a...

Lyrics from Vomit Arsonist "no one can help you" sound with image of barbed wire in the background. "no one its a lonely journey where suffering in silence is the standard suffering alone suffering all I ever want is someone to ask if I'm ok but no one ever does
deaf/HoH experiences

The Sounds of Silence

Stephen Klusza takes us on an enchanting multimedia journey leading up to his decision to get an cochlear implant in grad school.


Making an impact at high-stakes conferences

At high-stakes conferences deaf/HoH can make an impact through small or one-on-one thoughtful discussions.