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conferencesdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesmeetings

Captions and Craptions for Academics

We encourage all presenters to use real-time auto caption for every presentation. However, if a deaf/HoH person requests CART, real-time auto caption,...

careersdeaf/HoH experiencesmeetingsteaching

Presentando The Mind Hears [La Mente Oye] a académicos de habla hispana

-translated by Ana Our goal for The Mind Hears is to have it serve as a global resource for deaf and HoH (hard of...


Profile: Dr. Stephanie W. Cawthon

Where did you go to school? After early childhood in a segregated setting for students with disabilities in Canada, I was in...


Under-represented: Where are all the deaf and hard-of-hearing academics?

-Michele Through working on The Mind Hears since Sept 2018, I’ve had the chance to meet some amazing deaf and hard-of-hearing scholars and...

dark skinned woman with bright head scarf and hearing aids looks tot he right at the title of her blog post

Art of Accommodations in the Workplace for Hard-of-Hearing Employees

Although the employee must be able to request appropriate accommodations needed to perform well on the job, the success of disabled employees...