Archive 4 Columns

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deaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing allies

Hearing and understanding are not the same

Hearing that sound is happening is not the same as processing sound. 

artwork showing an ear in a background of moving, raucous colors
careersdeaf/HoH experiences

The more I missed, the more I made

My work habits are all about filling in the fear of how much I have been missing and have missed in this world.

white woman with dark shoulder length hair
careersdeaf/HoH experiencesfor hearing alliesgrad school

Eloquence is Overrated…and Exhausting

–Hi there. I’m Sara, and I’m almost deaf.  As folks with hearing loss, we have been trained to speak clearly so that we...

careersgrad school

Three reasons why I chose industry research over academia

-Alex Lu After a long five years, my stint as a PhD student was finally reaching its end – and that meant I...


Profile: Nora Duggan

Build up a network of deaf students where you can share tips, or even just rant about barriers you're facing. 


Profile: Amelia Dall

Perseverance is key for Archeologist, Amelia Dall. All the cool projects that she has been involved with demonstrates Amelia's advice to connect with...


The Mind Hears affirms that Black Lives Matter

-Michele Cooke and Ana Caicedo The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others stem from historic and continued...


Teaching (very) large classes

This semester I am teaching a large lecture course with about 175 students. I have taught this course 6 times before, with enrollment...


New Year’s Resolution 2022: Making your in-person and remote workplaces accessible for your deaf/HoH colleagues

The new year brings a fresh start to our lives; it’s a natural time to reflect on the year past and make plans...

white young man with helmet on Stromboli volcano with gas steam in background and rocky landscape

Profile: Dr. Oliver Lamb

Advice to former self: Be more confident in our own abilities, but don’t be afraid to ask for help on even the most...


Profile: Dr. John Dennehy

Background? I was born deaf. At the time, my family had recently moved to rural New Hampshire. Early on, my parents struggled because I did not hit age-appropriate...


Profile: Dr. Stephanie Kerschbaum

Associate Professor of English, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA Field of expertise: Writing Studies Describe your hearing: I wear two behind-the-ear hearing...