Archive 4 Columns

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careersdeaf/HoH experiencesmeetingsteaching

Lessons from the pandemic: work innovations that we are keeping

The last year required a myriad of adjustments in our professional lives. For those of us in academia, much of it entailed moving...

conferencesdeaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

Harnessing social media to advocate for accommodations

While just the mention of ‘social media’ can elicit eye rolls from our senior colleagues, many of us deaf and hard of hearing...

careersgrad school

1 out of 4 people on a hiring committee think I can’t do my job

— Michele “On your faculty job application, don’t say that you have hearing loss ‘cause, you know… you function just fine.”  Enmeshed within...

deaf/HoH experiences

The Eight Faces – a deaf artist’s perspective on masks

At this moment, after 2 years of pandemic living, many COVID restrictions are being rolled back in the communities where we – Michele...


Profile: Nora Duggan

Build up a network of deaf students where you can share tips, or even just rant about barriers you're facing. 


Who am I at a Research Conference: the Deaf Person or the Scientist?

At academic conferences, I am a scientist first, and deaf person second.

grad schoolprofiles

Profile: Elli Harpum

Location: UCL, London UK Field of expertise: Quantum Physics@victorianphysic photo credit: Hannah Coleman Tell us about your background I have had hearing loss since I was 14...

A brown-skinned woman wearing a blue patterned dress, a gray headwrap, and hearing aids sits on a bench looking to the right. To her right, a white cane stands upright.
careersgrad school

“Moving Together”: Or Researching Health Care Access as a Disabled Academic

If my credibility as a researcher is in question, I’d rather people not focus on my social status, because the “ideal” academic researcher...

deaf/HoH experiencesmeetings

Bridging communication between the hearing and deaf worlds: a conversation with the founders of Ava

Our mission is to make Deaf and hard-of-hearing peoples’ lives easier and happier in any situation, including academia—that’s why Ava was created. 


Profile: Dr. Khadijat Rashid

. Background? I’m deaf, as in profoundly, deeply deaf. I can’t even use hearing aids because they are worthless for me, though I...


The Mind Hears affirms that Black Lives Matter

-Michele Cooke and Ana Caicedo The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others stem from historic and continued...


Invitation to our 2nd The Mind Hears online community meet-up

One of our goals with The Mind Hears blog is to build a community and reduce isolation for deaf and hard of hearing academics. To...